Artist Statement 
& Bio

After 10 years in advertising and 30+ years in information technology, and a poet for 50 years, in early 2022 I began to explore a new avenue of creativity--painting landscapes in watercolor and ink. Intrigued by the dynamic nature of water-based media, I love their active participation in the creative process, allowing their movement and flow to suggest, even dictate, a painting’s final form and subject matter.

My process when painting is the same as my process when writing poetry; in poems, I experiment with combinations of collected words and turns of phrase, looking to see what they might produce on their own. The trick is to get out of the way and allow the poem to suggest what it wants to say. Similarly, the paintings are most often improvisational explorations and associative leaps. Instead of the sounds of words and the silences between them, it’s the light and shadow of pigment revealing landscapes that have called themselves into being.

My paintings have hung in the Mobile Museum of Art’s Government Plaza gallery, several Mobile Arts Council Member Shows, as well as a solo exhibition at the Arts Council in January 2024. A number of them are available at Sophiella Gallery, 111 Dauphin St., Mobile, AL 36602.

A graduate of the LSU Creative Writing Program, my poems have appeared in numerous magazines, journals, and anthologies. My poetry collection, “The Sound of Falling”, was published in 2013 by Negative Capability Press.